Published on Oct 10th 2020
9th October marks World Suicide Prevention Day WSPD 2020, and with men in construction sectors accounting for half of male suicides, it is vital we open up this conversation.
Did you know?
-The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people take their own life each year –that’s one person every 40 seconds.
-55% of construction workers have experienced mental health issues
-More than a quarter of construction workers have considered taking their own life
-The risk of suicides for those working in the building and construction trade is 1.6 times higher than the national average
-83% of workers say there is not enough industry awareness surrounding mental health
-In the UK, men are 3 times as likely to die by suicide than women. And in the republic of Ireland, the rate is 4 times higher among men than women.
Here at Designer Group, we believe that breaking the silence and stigma surrounding mental ill-health is a crucial step towards providing a safe and healthy workplace environment.
Research suggests that open and honest communication about mental ill-health has the power to increase awareness and understanding, remind people they are not alone and help break the stigma which can be a barrier for those seeking help.
We want you all to take a minute to reach out to someone in your community –a family member, colleague or even a stranger –this could change the course of another’s life.
Our culture of encouraging open and honest communication has the power to increase awareness and understanding, reminding our people they are not alone and helping to break the stigma, which can be a barrier for those seeking help.
How can you help?
-Show you care
-Listen carefully and be genuine
-Ask the question
-Be direct, caring and non-confrontational
-Get help
-Do not leave him or her alone
Asking about suicide is a good thing. It brings it into the open, and provides relief and hope. It is the ONLY way to know if someone is suicidal. Ask about suicide in a direct and non-judgmental way. Be prepared to deal with the answer. The words you use are not as important as the fact that you ask, remain calm, and genuinely show that you care and are willing to listen.
Please stay vigilant and look for signs. If you need help and would like to talk to someone but don’t feel comfortable choosing a colleague, friend or family member please call our EAP helpline. Remember, it is perfectly okay to ASK and/or TALK about suicide.
If someone talks about suicide, please take it seriously and go out of your way to help them. You could be the one who saves their life.